Natural Recipes for Healthy Shampoo, Conditioner, and Skin Toner

Our modern lifestyle increasingly relies on a growingly diverse group of synthetic chemicals. There are over 140 million chemicals that are registered under the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS, 2015), and this number is multiplying. These chemicals are a growing challenge and may pose many human health risks.  They are a challenge because these chemicals can…

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7 Tasty, Healthy and Easy to Prepare Breakfasts

If you’re not already aware, regular and healthy breakfasts are essential for your health. However, many people rarely eat healthy breakfasts, and some don’t even eat breakfast at all. Eating a healthy, whole-food, and plant-based breakfast is the first step to support your health, especially in combating all weight issues and diabetes. Every year, when…

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10 Reasons Why You Want To Sprout Food And How To Easily Do This

The process of germinating seeds to be eaten is called sprouting. The practice involves soaking the seeds, legumes, grains, or nuts, followed by an incubation period. You soak and incubate the seeds until they grow a tail-like protrusion. The soaking period increases the water content of the seeds and brings them out of a dormant…

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How to Reduce Homocysteine Levels To Improve Your Health

Homocysteine is one of the many amino acids – the building blocks of protein – in our bodies. Our bodies produce it naturally, and it’s made from a prevalent amino acid called methionine. Elevated homocysteine levels are known to inflict damage to the endothelium – the inner arterial lining which effects many disease states including…

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Glutathione – The Alpha Molecule for Health and Weight Loss

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant produced by our cells often called ‘The Alpha Molecule’ due to its power.  The structure of glutathione is relatively simple and comprises of three amino acids: Glutamine Cysteine Glycine But this molecule, as simple as its structure might be, is one of the most potent antioxidants in our body, mostly…

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The Connection Between Health and Happiness

Because the Guerrilla Diet is what I call a wholistic lifestyle program, it means that we take into consideration all of the effects that all parts of our lives have on our health and wellbeing, as well as how our health and wellbeing effects all other parts of our lives. In order to attain and…

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How Diet Can Improve Mental Health

Eating healthy can improve not only your physical health but also your mental health which is a core component of optimal health and overall well-being. It is obvious that mental health is crucial for improving one’s personal life, but it also improves ones financial status by reducing medical and social expenses, and enhances the state…

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Spirulina – should you supplement?

Spirulina is considered a complete food since it contains all of the amino acids and essential fats that we need. You really want to incorporate into yours and your children’s diet regularly to add nutrient density to their menu. Being so nutrient dense, it is great for personal health, and it is also ecologically sound,…

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The Diet and Hearing Connection – How To Improve Hearing Through Lifestyle

You may have probably never thought that food can in any way influence your hearing. Well, the truth is that it does play a very integral role in proper hearing. Hearing and balance loss need not be a standard part of aging. Hearing can be improved with a healthy diet and a few lifestyle habit…

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Lectins, dangerous for health or not?

Today I want to talk about lectins. There is some dietary advice and a few diets that support the avoidance of lectins in the diet to prevent leaky gut syndrome, skin disorders and allergies.  But is this true? In this post I will examine the effects of lectins on our health and determine whether they…

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Why Detoxing Your Environment Is Important for Health and Weight Loss

Toxins are substances that can damage DNA. Toxins are all around us. They are found in products which we use, in the food we eat and the water we drink. They are also common in our environment. Toxins have an immense effect on our health and on our weight because the environment of our cells…

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Increasing ADH to Reduce Nighttime Urination (nocturia) Naturally

Many people have problems with urinating too often during the night. It can be very annoying if it persists and can increase stress levels and lead to heightened irritability during the day when it affects sleep quality. The good news is that most people can eliminate this problem, also known as Nocturia, by increasing the…

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How to Improve Cell Energy (Mitochondrial Function) for Anti Aging & Health

The energy of the cell is produced by converting food we eat and oxygen we breath into energy in an organelle found inside our cells called the mitochondria. These organelles are considered the batteries of life, and are found in large numbers in active organs and tissues where a lot of energy is needed, including…

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Foods That Increase BDNF for Brain Health & Weight Loss

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, also known as BDNF, is a neurotrophin (a growth factor protein) that plays a vital role in brain health and the flexibility of the central nervous system. BDNF acts as a fertilizer for the brain cells, helping them grow during early development as well as supporting adult neurogenesis (the growth of new…

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Fluoride – Good or Harmful?

Fluoride is a mineral found in water, plants, rocks, the soil, and air. In essence, it’s all around us and ever-present. It’s in our bones and teeth as well.  Dentists use fluoride through toothpaste and mouthwashes to strengthen our teeth because it: In many countries, including the United States, they also add it to the…

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