How to Reduce the Chronic Stress that Leads to Weight Gain

Science has proven that stress leads to weight gain in several ways. [1] The primary method is through the release of cortisol, a stress hormone that is released together with several other hormones during the fight or flight response, a reaction that occurs when we’re under stress. Cortisol makes us crave high energy, high fat,…

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Nutrients That Support Healthy Hormonal Balance and Why

Many of us deal with hormonal imbalances due to poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep or other poor lifestyle choices. Hormonal imbalance has a critical effect on your well being as it influences your overall health condition, can lead to infertility, depression, loss of memory and focus as well as chronic fatigue and loss of…

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Pre-diabetes Diagnosis? Here Is What You Can Do:

Over 1 in 3 people have pre-diabetes. Unfortunately not all people are diagnosed at the pre diabetes stage. But if you or someone close to you is diagnosed with prediabetes, it can be difficult to get ones head around such a diagnosis. Prediabetes is a “pre-diagnosis” of type 2 diabetes. Once getting over the initial…

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7 Ancient Superfoods with Healing and Weight Loss Properties

Many ancient cultures have recognized the healing properties of plants. In this video, I will mention some of the most vigorous plants used to cure health problems and diseases in these ancient cultures. All of these foods also have properties that will help you to lose weight faster. Ginkgo In the Chinese culture, Ginkgo is…

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Dietary Changes To Help Heal From Viral Infections

Viral infections can easily attack and wreak havoc on our bodies,  Viruses penetrate living cells to reproduce. The virus will attach onto and enter a cell where it releases its genetic material to reproduce. The virus’s genetic material starts to control the cell forcing it to replicate the virus. The infected cell may sometimes die…

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The 7 “Secrets” to Lasting Health (that most of us know but don’t follow)

Seventy percent of the global population is suffering from at least one chronic disease, and the percentage is even higher if you live in the Western world. Every day you hear about some new miracle pill or procedure that claims to make you younger, stronger, thinner, more beautiful and heal you from some chronic disease.…

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17 Foods That Can Prevent Genetic Tendency for Disease

It was previously thought that whatever lifestyle choices we make during our lives will affect only our own personal health, and our longevity and have no effect on our future generations.  We were sure that when we had offspring, their genetic slate would be wiped clean of all of our non-beneficial lifestyle choices, and that…

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How to Reduce Stress with the Right Foods

When people think of stress-related eating, they often associate it with binge eating or junk food because when feeling strained or depressed, many of us succumb to food cravings or turn to whatever is convenient. But did you know that there are foods that rather than make you feel worse when you are stressed, can…

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The Guerrilla Diet Detox Regimen for Clearing Toxins from the Body

Sometimes the body may need some extra help in fighting off frequent infections, strengthening the immune system, getting rid of toxic metals and stubborn weight, as well as improving skin quality and energy levels. At such times, a helpful approach is to follow a diet that promotes detoxification. A diet that promotes detoxification also helps increase…

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Manipulating your Gut Microflora for Weight Loss 

Scientists are now beginning to understand that when taking the numbers into consideration, we are only about 30% human! The rest of us is made up of microorganisms, mainly bacteria. We have about 40 trillion cells in our body and about 20-30,000 human protein-coding genes, whereas we have about 100 trillion microorganisms living in our…

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5 Best Nutrients and Supplements for Strong and Healthy Hair

When you have poor skin, it’s often an indicator of a deeper problem. The same can be said about hair. Its condition is also a visible sign of what’s going on within your body. Factors like genetics, hormonal imbalance, lifestyle, and age affect hair health; therefore, achieving healthy hair and promoting hair growth has more…

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10 Natural Ways to Boost Brain Function and Memory

The human brain controls all functions of the human body. With blazing speed, it estimates body functions and its environment and serves to maintain balance. The brain is continuously regulating everyday processes such as blood flow throughout the body, our breathing, hormonal balance, and managing our thoughts. It’s operational 24/7. Age, unhealthy lifestyle choices, poor…

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[Article] 5 Nutritional Deficiencies That Cause Behavioral Problems in Children

It’s unfortunate when someone judges a parent when their child is exhibiting behavioral difficulties. While many children do act out and need discipline, there are also a number of physical reasons why kids may misbehave, notably nutritional deficiencies, which may lead them to behave in a negative manner. Nutritional deficiencies aren’t always because the child…

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How to Support Your Thyroid Gland Without Medication

Your thyroid gland sits just below your Adam’s apple. As a gland that secretes hormones that have a direct effect on everything from your metabolism to your energy levels to cholesterol levels and even to your memory. A properly functioning thyroid allows you to feel great. However, when it is not doing its job, you…

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10 Healthiest Foods and Why They Keep Us Healthy And Slim – Infographic

Introducing some of the 10 healthiest foods to consume regularly. I consider these foods healthiest because of their special components that support a healthy cell environment allowing our cells to thrive  as well as offering us protection from harmful substances that we may come in contact with. By supporting our cells with nutrients while protecting them…

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