Managing Hashimoto Thyroiditis With Diet, Lifestyle Changes, and Supplements

Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid tissue through an immune process, often intermittently. The disease first appears with the gradual enlargement of the thyroid gland and slow progression of hypothyroidism due to the infiltration of immune cells into the thyroid tissue, causing its destruction. Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common endocrine…

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How to Reduce Homocysteine Levels To Improve Your Health

Homocysteine is one of the many amino acids – the building blocks of protein – in our bodies. Our bodies produce it naturally, and it’s made from a prevalent amino acid called methionine. Elevated homocysteine levels are known to inflict damage to the endothelium – the inner arterial lining which effects many disease states including…

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How to Support Your Thyroid Gland Without Medication

Your thyroid gland sits just below your Adam’s apple. As a gland that secretes hormones that have a direct effect on everything from your metabolism to your energy levels to cholesterol levels and even to your memory. A properly functioning thyroid allows you to feel great. However, when it is not doing its job, you…

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